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Page Numbers

Page Numbers are an automatic feature of CleverCat and they print in the Page Footer, on the non-bound side of the page in Duplex mode, or on the side of the page you select in non-Duplex mode.


AutoNunber vs Index Numbering

Page Numbers are updated automatically whenever you print, although you can manually change an Index Number by double-clicking the cell in the Category List. To print using your own numbers, change the Page Numbering option from AutoNumber to Number Using Index Number on the Options Tab.

There are several reasons for manually numbering pages. For example, CleverCat cannot produce every page you might want in your document. Some users may need to insert introductions to each category, or include Order Forms, or other Product Information pages. PDF Editing sofware can insert additional pages into the PDF that CleverCat creates, but AutoNumbers might not match up with the actual pages.


There are several built-in non-Product categories in the list. These can be hidden using the controls on the Cover / Contents / Index Tab, but cannot be deleted.

Note that "Front Cover" and "Table of Contents" have negative Page Numbers in the Index Column. This is necessary for proper indexing so please do not change them to positive values.

It is also possible for you to create non-product Collections in your Wix Store that print before the products. For example, an "About Us" page. If you don't want those types of pages to affect the numbering of the product pages, simply give them a negative Index Number.

The actual numbers don't matter. In this example, Front cover is "-2" and Table of Contents is "-1", but those numbers could be "-9" and "-5" and they would still print in the same order.


You can change the Printing Order of categories by manually changing their Index Numbers, or by Dragging-and-Dropping a category into a new position in the list.

If AutoNumber is selected, all positively-numbered categories will be automatically renumbered beginning with the value set as the Starting Page.

If Number Using Index Number is selected, categories will be automatically renumbered based on the lowest Index Number.

In this example, Number Using Index Number is selected, and "Products" has been dropped above "Miscellaneous". The lowest Index Number for a product category is "5", so all categories are renumbered from there.

Note that Page Numbering may not be accurate if you are using Dynamic Templates. The actual number of pages required for a "Dynamic" category cannot be determined until it is actually printed. Reprint your document after changing the Page Order to update the numbers.

Additional Settings

There are two additional columns in the Category List that cannot be seen until you drag the Scroll Bar at the bottom of this section to the right.

  • -Table instructs CleverCat to exclude the checked category from the Table of Contents, and also from the PDF Bookmarks.
  • +Blank instructs CleverCat to add a blank page after a category. This is commonly used after a Cover Page if you intend to print to paper. When opening a bound book, a blank page after the cover will cause the next pages to be seen on the right-hand side.


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